We create cinemagraphs & creative content. We can’t stand still- if we could change your world, would you let us?




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Not quite a video, not quite a photo. Cinemagraphs are intriguing and modern. Great addition to any digital platform.

Motion Images

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These types of cinemagraphs are still images that have looped video movement in certain areas. These are absolutely mesmerizing and are bound to captivate you and your audience! We can add movement to any image or photograph you already have.

Content Creation

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Let’s have fun with your content! We can create original illustrations, photographs, or mix them up in order to make the best quality content for you that will have you stand out.



Social Ads With Cinemagraphs [Or Motion Images] Were Shown To Have Higher Engagement Rates

“Social ads that used cinemagraphs led to significantly higher increases in engagement on social media. On Twitter, Microsoft advertisements that featured cinemagraphs targeting SMBs saw an increase of 110% compared to the 1.96% increase in engagement generated by advertisements using still photos. The effect was felt on Facebook, too; engagement rates increased by 85% with cinemagraph social ads, versus the 0.83% increase on still image ads.”

-Case Study by Microsoft, featured on Flixel website http://blog.flixel.com/flixel-microsoft-case-study/


Featured On

Social Media Platforms
Website Content
Advertising Campaigns
Weddings & Save The Dates